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Many reasons to career shift

Written by Lojain Ahmed | Feb 7, 2023 12:22:51 PM

Some people find the idea of switching careers hard to accept. Growing up, we were taught that having a steady job leads to a stable life. But in a dynamic world filled with transitions and changes, there are times when we can't help but be swept along by change and we don't really have much say in the matter. so, You should always be aware of why people are doing career shifts.

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What is The meaning of a career shift?

Career shifts may have different meanings to different people. Some may look for a change of profession within the same field, while others look for a whole change of field. Sometimes a career shift comes as a breath of fresh air, and other times it's a bitter pill to swallow. It depends on the motives people have for seeking a change of career and the consequences of their decision. 

What factors lead people to consider a career change? 

  • Feeling Drained

People often make career changes after they have already been working in a field for many years. After years of doing the same job--every day is predictable and monotonous, and you feel like you are no longer advancing in your career or getting any challenges to keep you motivated. This makes you feel trapped, you may feel like you need a change of pace or an opportunity to challenge yourself in new ways.

  • You seek a better-paying job

Salary can be a major factor that goes into your career-switching decision. For example, if you feel that the salary doesn't match the effort put into the job. An inadequate income can make you feel like you are underappreciated or taken for granted, or that you can't maintain financial stability to support yourself or your family. Sometimes a career change isn't just about finding a new job and leaving your old one behind; it could be looking for a side hustle, to supplement your main income.

  • Work Environment

Some professions can be demanding and tough on workers' personal lives. Some jobs, for example, have strict policies that restrict employees or require them to travel frequently, work long hours, come home late, or be on call (on demand) at all times, and rarely take time off. Such careers may not be sustainable in the long run because it's so difficult to balance job demands and personal commitments.

Sometimes people just change their minds. You may have had a lifelong interest or dream job but lacked the resources or opportunity to explore this until later in life, or a shift in mindset where you feel more inclined to pursue something more fulfilling and meaningful--something that defines you, it may be time to pursue a long-forgotten dream.

Benefits of a career shift

Every change carries an element of risk and opportunity. When considering a career change, it's important to weigh the pros and cons. In order to benefit from a career change, you have to be prepared for the challenges you might face on your way to a new career path. Personality tests can be a stepping stone that helps you take a look at your resources and reevaluate them in order to find a career that's more aligned with your values, interests, and strengths. These assessments can have a positive return on your career satisfaction and growth.

As you grow and mature, you will feel more confident about yourself and how you approach day-to-day life and work situations. You may start to wonder if there is something better waiting on the other side of the window. A career shift offers individuals an opportunity to gain more experience and expand their skills, which can help them build their resumes and move up the ladder of success more easily than if they had stayed in the same field for years without any notable achievements. Changing careers is also a great way to change scenery or location, pursue a passion or hobby, and redefine yourself.

How to career shift 

To know how to make a career shift, it's important to first get to know yourself well. Take some time to think about your interests and skills, check out what jobs might be a good match for you, and ask the people close to you for feedback on how they view your strengths and weaknesses or resort to personality and interest tests. Personality and interest tests have been shown to be effective in assisting people in determining their career path. Set goals that are achievable, measurable, and time-sensitive. Setting the wrong goals can be counterproductive if they are not achieved or take too long to achieve. Try to be unique and stand out from the crowd by paying attention to your LinkedIn profile, updating your CV and reading more about personal branding.


Avoid Career Shift

Early career planning can help you avoid career shifts. Self-searching and exploring occupations at a young age can provide you with a better understanding of your own values, interests, and skills. By planning ahead, you can avoid wasting time on jobs that drain your motivation and energy, as well as find a job that aligns with your life goals and ambitions. 

Career shifting is an in-depth process. You don't want to dive in half-heartedly; take the time to assess your own abilities as objectively as possible. If you decide to go ahead with a career change, don't limit yourself to a single occupation or industry; instead, keep an open mind about different careers and industries that might be a good fit for you in the future.