Dulleni Blog

what are soft skills

Many reasons to career shift

A career shift meaning is a way to change your current career. This article talks about why, how to career shift and its benefits

Finding the right college major

Tips for Finding Your College Major

Finding the right college major is one of the most important decisions you'll make in life. helps you identify which best college major is right for...

Benefits of personal development

All you need to know about personal development

Personal development is something that many people struggle with. This article will give you some tips on how to find your own way and make sure that...

Personality test importance

MBTI Personality test and self improvement

Self-improvement is a long-term way of living that promotes personal growth. It's an ongoing process of learning, growing, and becoming better. It...

Benefits of personal development

Personal development in the workplace

Personal development in the workplace is not just a cliché, but a natural and necessary way to develop yourself and your team.

types of soft skills.

What are soft skills, Types and examples

we will answer "what are soft skills" and will talk about the Types, importance and soft skills Examples, its very important in the modern world and...

Improve your personal skills

Steps to Improve your personal skills

This article examines the nature of personal skills, contains a synopsis of the key skills that are important to develop & How to improve your...

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